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Teresa Spencer

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Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Counselling

AddressHarbour Lights
30 Manor Lane
Chichester PO20 0NX
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About Teresa Spencer
C.H.P. (NC) N.R.H.P. (Assoc.)
R.S.A. (Couns.) S.E.N.

I trained with the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, completing courses which entailed becoming skilled in the practical application of a wide range of Hynotherapeutic and Psychotherapeutic techniques. This training is externally accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent, Further and Higher Education and acknowledged by the Secretary of State for Education. I am further a member of the National Register and therefore bound by a formal Code of Ethics and carry appropriate insurance cover.

Both National College and National Register are members of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, and the British Association for Counselling and the National Register worked closely with the Institute for Complementary Medicine in setting up the British Register of Complementary Practitioners (Hynotherapy).


Have you ever become totally absorbed watching a riveting film orTV programme; engrossed in the pages of a fascinating novel or just drifted off listening to music or creating day dreams in your imagination? At these moments you will no doubt have become less aware of your immediate surroundings and maybe even lost touch with the true passage of time. It’s as though your attention has become so focused that everything else is insignificant. These are examples of the altered awareness in naturally occurring trance states.

Hypnosis is best described as a state of ‘altered awareness’ facilitating deep relaxation, heightened concentration and passively focused inner awareness where you can become vividly involved in thoughts, images and sensations occurring within your internal world. You are fully aware, capable of hearing and understanding all that is said to you, yet you feel both physically and mentally very relaxed.

Hypnosis is like a raft that gives you the means to travel on an inner journey of exploration and self discovery. Reaching inwards and touching a state of mind/body stillness and tranquillity enables you to link with your own inner awareness or unconscious mind. Communication can then be effected with all aspects of yourself. This inner dialogue empowers you to bring about change: to develop mental clarity, increase physical energy reserves and initiate healing, enhance emotonal and spiritual well being - in this way becoming the person you aspire to.


During this state of intense, focused awareness it is possible to use the power of your unconscious mind to more readily accept beneficial suggestions given, or visualisations used, for changing unhelpful behaviour patterns, negative thoughts or undesired emotional responses.

Hyno-analysis can be used to help you explore, reveal and thus remove the causes of a particular problem. hence alleviating the symptoms. The process involves using hypnosis to recall past significant emotional events that may have become hidden from the conscious mind and are possibly linked to ‘protective’ patterns of behaviour, such as phobias.

By enabling past events to be re-examined in this way and the emotions associated with them released, those patterns of behaviour that have built up around them. and are no longer appropriate, will cease to be significant in your life. Many find the analytical process a fascinating route to greater self knowledge and awareness.


Are you worried, anxious, have you lost someone that you care about, want someone to talk to, or want to improve the quality of your life?

Counselling is the chance to talk to a qualified counsellor in a safe and comfortable environment, with complete confidentiality. It is the opportunity to discuss any problems regarding loss, any worries and anxieties from the past or in the present.

We all need someone to listen to us, to take notice of our true feelings, someone to listen withoutjudgement or prejudice, and someone to empathise with us. By having the opportunity to talk out our worries and feelings it can help relieve the pain and fear, enabling the client to move forward to a better quality of life.

Counselling is the process that enables this to happen.

Service Categories
Counselling, Hypnotherapist

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