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Steve Roberts Dip.C.Hyp/NLP. GHR Reg. GHSC Therapist and coach

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There are some facts of life we cannot alter. The things we can change are our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. As a result of this our experiences will also change.

AddressManor House
Manor Street
Sutton in Ashfield
Nottingham NG17 1BG
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NLP is the study of how people represent experiences real or imagined, to themselves internally and the corresponding effect on how the nervous system functions. It is a study of how people become successful and achieve their aims and objectives and enhance their lives. This can be in fields as diverse as; sport, education, business, relationships, management and healthcare. As humans we are very good at learning, this is obviously a good thing normally, however at times we learn to do things that aren’t useful and if practiced enough times a strategy becomes fixed in the brain that can run automatically without conscious thought.

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One of the best ways to access the ability to change our internal representations is to learn the techniques of deep relaxation through Hypnosis. So let yourself enjoy this process of deep relaxation and self-discovery and as you do this you will learn how to manage your stress and anxiety effectively, release your inner strength, free yourself from limiting beliefs and gain a motivated and positive outlook.

Science has proven that the subconscious mind takes up about 83% of the space in our heads and is responsible for 96-98% of our behaviour; so tapping into this vast resource is the key to success.

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Weight Management

Your body is a finely tuned machine. You might not believe that at this moment in time but please bear with me. Nature has provided you with a unique and remarkable vehicle, the control centre for which is your brain and it is here were we need to look to unlock the slimmer version of you.

Lets get back to basics your unconscious mind is driving 96-98% of your behaviour. Everything we do has a neural network or programme that when learned well enough runs automatic. That’s why when you find yourself craving chocolate or crisps and find yourself with this battle of will about having a desert or not we invariably lose and end up binging.

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Stress and Anxiety

The Health and Safety Executive defines stress as “the adverse reaction people haveto excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them”. You could say it is when you feel angry, irritated, overworked, tense or depressed. Whatever you mean there is definitely something negative going on.

Stress starts with a perception of a threat. Stress is a physiological state in which the physical and mental energy used up by the system to cope with pressure is greater than the body’s ability to restore that energy.

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Smoking Cessation

The treatment programme we offer is two and a half hours long and incorporates the most up to date, state of the art techniques available to help you stop smoking permanently.

The programme also includes teaching self hypnosis, thought stopping which is a quick way to eliminate negative thoughts and breathing exercises to reduce stress levels.

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Personal Profile

Stephen is a master practitioner of NLP, a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Practitioner of EFT, EMDR and a Hypno Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register, The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.

With over 20 years experience in the coaching arena. Specialising in Stress, Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Weight Management and Performance Enhancement.

A regular public speaker facilitating Stress Management, NLP for Improved Communication, Conflict and Anger Management workshops to Law Enforcement Agencies, Local Authorities, Primary Care Trusts and Higher Education Establishments.

To arrange an appointment please call me on 07914 848253 or email

Service Categories
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, EFT, Hypnotherapist, Life Coaching, NLP, Weight Loss

   Profile picture for Steve Roberts Dip.C.Hyp/NLP. GHR Reg. GHSC Therapist and coach