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We aim to please - if we do then please tell your friends, if we don't then we would like to be the first to know and will rectify matters accordingly. We trust you will feel free to contact us if you think we may be of any assistance with any health issues you may have, or if you require any further information.

Allergy Testing

The need for Food Intolerance and Allergy testing is becoming increasingly essential. The problems caused can potentially be a serious health issue for many people, particularly children, in today's modern world. Allergies, food & environmental intolerances and sensitivities may contribute to conditions such as:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome; digestive problems like nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, indigestion, wind, etc; food cravings; weight problems; fluid retention; PMS; depression; anxiety; tension; sleep problems; fatigue; suddenly feeling weak; lack of energy; constant tiredness; sinus pain; rhinitis; runny itchy nose; watery or itchy eyes; catarrh; coughing; sneezing; wheezing; breathlessness; palpitations; chest pains; headaches; migraines; skin rashes or irritations; urticaria (hives); eczema; arthritic pain; back ache; insomnia; or muscle or joint aches and pains.

Allergy/Intolerance testing will provide relief for the sufferer by identifying the offending allergen.


The experience of hypnosis is similar to the kind of trance like state which everyone experiences when passing into ordinary sleep. It is a state in which one feels neither asleep nor awake and is a little like daydreaming, with a pleasant feeling of deep relaxation behind it all.

Clinical hypnotherapy means using hypnosis to treat a variet of medical and psychological problems. It is estimated that 85% of people will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy. It may even succeed where other, more conventional methods, of treatment have not produced the desired result.


Reflexology is said to date back to Ancient Egypt, and may have been used in China some 5000 years ago. In 1913 Dr William Fitzgerald, an American Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, introduced this therapy to the West as ‘zone therapy’. He noted that reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body within the same zone.

Reflexology is a Holistic Completmentary therapy, which works on the feet to help heal the whole person not just the prevailing symptoms. It does not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe. It is a simple non-invasive method of realigning the body's functions when the delicate balance is distrurbed by injury, disease or the stresses of everyday life.


Aromatherapy is an Holistic therapy which takes into consideration the Mind, Body and Spirit of the individual. It is an ancient art of healing and soothing through the use and diffusion of essential oils. These oils are substances extracted from the "life-force" of various petals, fruit, twigs, leaves and seeds of plants and trees.

Each essential oil has particular qualities which are chosen, and often blended with other oils, to suit each individual person's needs.

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage, (or Champissage) has been popular in the Indian sub-continents for over a thousand years, practised by mothers for their children, and by barbers as an addition to their services. It only came to England in the early 1980s introduced by Narendra Mehta who developed the methods commonly used today.

It is carried out whilst the person is fully clothed and seated in a chair, working on the areas of the upper back, upper arms, shoulders, scalp, ears and face. Traditionally it can be carried out including the use of oils or essential oils on the head, however, we carry out the treatments without the use of oils, unless specifically requested. It soothes, comforts and re-balances the energy flow. It aids blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage thus helping to remove toxins from the system. It is beneficial to a person's overall wellbeing and provides a feeling of peace and tranquillity. It is stimulating yet relaxing.


Kinesiology is a very powerful, modern, form of Holistic complementary therapy. It combines ancient knowledge from traditional Chinese medicine with knowledge from a chiropractic and from original research. It dates back to the 1960's, and is becoming more widely known. It is now used in most countries in the world.

It is based on muscle resistance testing, assuming that different muscles relate to different organs and systems within the body. Muscle weakness indicates an imbalance within the system; either on a structural, chemical (nutritional), emotional, or subtle 'energy' level. By correcting any imbalances within the body Kinesiology may help or alleviate endless conditions.


Virtually everyone is born with Candida, passed on from mother to child. Candida problems are thought to be caused when the beneficial yeast form of Candida Albicans mutates to its fungal form. Candida is a common yeast/fungus that lives in healthy balance with other bacteria and yeast in the body; however, certain conditions can cause it to multiply, weakening the immune system and causing problems throughout the body.

About us

We are members of the International Institute of Health and Holistic Therapists; Members of the International Council of Holistic Therapists; Vocational Awards International; and the Federation of Holistic Therapists. In addition Paul holds a Diploma In Hypnotherapy, obtained from a training school accredited with the General Hypnotherapy Standard Council, and the British Institute of Hypnotherapy. Diane holds a Diploma for Dru Yoga Teachers and is a Member of the Professional Register of Dru Yoga Teachers.

We are covered by insurance provided by the Bridge Block Scheme by Balens Specialist Insurance Brokers.

We are registered under the Data Proection Act and any client information that we obtain and hold is in full accordance with the guidelines of the Act. Therefore all information whether verbal or written is kept on a Strictly Private and Confidential basis.

Service Categories
Aromatherapy, Reflexology

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