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Helping you to Embrace Your Health with the therapies offered.

AddressPrittlewell House
30 East Street
Southend on Sea
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Welcome to Nompilo

Why not support your health with Nutritional Screening and then map your progress so taking the frustration out of getting healthy?

Take advantage of this NEW and EXCITING technology which is FDA approved in the US.

If you prefer a basic test perhaps Food Intolerance Testing is for you?

Whichever you choose both

the Nutritional Screening and Food Intolerance Testing aim to support you in

achieving your health goals.

REMEMBER the mind plays a pivotal role in health so support yours by taking a Journey Process.

Nutritional Therapy & Screening

Nutritional Therapy has always been a powerful tool by which to support the body and improve health. This has now been enhanced with the inclusion of Nutritional Screening into the consultation.

You now get the benefits of expert nutritional advice from a highly qualified nutritionist combined with motivational screening results allowing you to literally chart you way back to health.

After your consultation, during which a case history will be taken and the test performed, you will be sent a recommended plan to follow that is specific to you. Its based on your case history and your results and subsequent visits will help you to follow your progress.

This ability to measure progress in health is truly invaluable helping clients to maintain motivation as well as maintain the optimal health they have worked towards. Athletes too may benefit from the results in order to naturally enhance their performance.

The consultation includes a truly unique combination of skills and years of clinical experience.

The perfect way to fast track improvements in health.

Food Intolerance Testing


The method belongs to the field of Bio-Energetic Regulatory Medicine (BER Medicine) which originated from electro-acupuncture. The test procedure is non-invasive and does not involve taking a blood sample. Instead with the use of a probe it uses a measurement of the body’s energy level and identifies any changes in this level when it is exposed to a food or allergen. These changes indicate the degree to which the individual is sensitive to the item measured.
The level of energy can be measured at various different acupuncture points on either the fingers or toes.

Journey Therapy


More and more research is highlighting how our thoughts are connected to the state of our physical and mental health. This is because the emotions that these thoughts create have a measurable impact on our immune system and therefore our health.

The Journey is a process which gives you access not only to the emotions that may be affecting your health, but the memories that surround these emotions. In doing so, it allows you to look within yourself and resolve any issues that you still carry with you from the past. Part of this involves forgiving those people who are involved in the memory, and often the need to forgive oneself.


Many of us may feel that we are not living our lives to their full potential. Perhaps we suffer with unresolved jealousy, or constant guilt over something we did or didn’t do in the past. Sometimes we may find that our emotions, for example anger, are not proportional to the incidents that spark it off. Perhaps we no longer speak to a friend or family member and carry unresolved emotions within. Or we may find solace in comfort eating, not sure of how to break the cycle. Perhaps you are depressed and unable to connect to those around you or find that stress seems to be ever present when life itself may not be.

Maybe you suffer with physical symptoms that conventional therapy is unable to find the root of or reoccurring illness that for some reason just doesn’t want to go away. This could include anything from back ache, migraines and fatigue, the list is truly endless.

If you want to live life free from the past, then the Journey Process is for you.


The Journey Process works as it allows you to access tools inside yourself with which you can free old memories that up until now may have been holding you back. It is a form of guided visualisation and throughout the whole process you are completely conscious of what is going on.

Each process works on one issue and helps the client to get some real release from that issue. The issue can quite literally be anything from allergies, addictions, low mood, anger, as well as physical symptoms or just knowing that something needs to be uncovered .

Some people have likened one session of Journey Therapy to months of counselling.


The process itself is always carried out in a peaceful environment. A safe place is created allowing you to share all that needs to be said. Everything that is discussed is of course entirely confidential.
The length of the process will vary depending on which one you choose.


The results can be immediate - sometimes 1 session is enough
It's especially beneficial for people who don’t want to ‘talk’ about their problems
It helps you to help yourself

Service Categories
Allergy Testing / Treatments, Mens Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Womens Health

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