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Courses Across The UK. What is a LaStone® Therapist?

Being a LaStone® Therapist isn't just about learning a new massage routine or learning a new technique. It's learning a whole new approach to massage and implementing these principles into the different bodywork techniques you already know and use.

Whilst initially there are lots of new concepts to master e.g. Geo-thermal therapy, massage sequences, castle building and energetic principles as well as the actual skill of massaging with the stones!; as soon as the confidence begins to grow then it is equivalent to following a "recipe" which you later on adapt to suit your own expression. For me, LaStone® Original Body is much like an almost finished painting onto which you add the last details and colours.

The beauty of LaStone® is that you can implement elements from all the different directions and teachings into everything that you already do.

A LaStone® therapist doesn't only give the treatments that they have learned on the courses, but knows how to implement the use of stones and geothermal therapy into their other treatments. As the stones become an essential tool in a treatment you discover new ways to implement them into your massages. That can be using cold stones while giving reflexology, it can be letting the client lie on a warm belly stone while receiving Lomi Lomi, it can be using stones to aid the energetic work in Shiatsu. The possibilities are endless. Each LaStone® therapist will have her own unique expression, incorporating the stones into everything she does.

This is what makes LaStone® therapists truly unique.

By Pia Poulson (Advanced LaStone Therapist)

Chelmsford SM2AUJ
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Why Train With LaStone UK?

LaStone® was the first Pioneers in Stone Massage. We are the largest stone training company running courses in 14 different countries.

LaStone® is one of the fastest growing massage techniques throughout the UK despite the competition from other ’stone expressions’ We are the only stone training company to offer specialised geo-thermal therapy courses in both sports massage and reflexology.

Do not mistake LaStone® for another ’hot stone massage treatment’. It is the correct combination of heated and cool stones that is our trademark.

LaStone® treatments are tailor made and prescriptive to the client. The therapeutic potential of this treatment goes beyond measure. Benefits include: • The promotion of a natural healing response within the body • Thermotherapy brings about healing, balance and rejuvenation. • The use of warm basalt stones helps to create relaxation through a combination of stone placement and massage • The treatment helps to restore balance on a physical level. Alternating between hot and cold flushes the body of toxins, cleanses the lymphatic system, • A combination of temperature through massage helps to tone muscles, • The application of cold temperatures helps to relieve muscular tension without the painful after effects of sports massage, • The application of cold helps to reduces inflammation, scar tissue and promotes mobility • Alternating temperatures helps to releases emotions • LaStone principles can Work on a spiritual energy level • LaStone® goes beyond the physical experience of typical massage, and enters deeper dimensions of relaxation, health and well being, creating a positive approach to ’Body-Mind-Spirit’ philosophy.

LaStone® treatments help to alleviate chronic and acute problems that many of us deal with on a daily basis. Geo-Thermo-Therapy principles are just one of the ways that makes LaStone® a success.

LaStone® is a multifaceted technique designed to benefit client and therapist at once. LaStone® Therapy offers the body worker relief for their tired, over worked hands and wrists and a break from exhausting hours of massage or deep tissue work. The stones and thermal variation do all the heavy work for the therapist. Stresses and strain commonly felt with other massage techniques are virtually eliminated by using our principles. LaStone therapists are able to work more efficiently for longer periods of time.

For the Energy worker LaStone offers assistance in bringing balance to the Body-Mind-Soul with the use of Mother Earth’s Stone People.

LaStone® has a workshop that will fit your requirements. LaStone® offers originality and variety. ’Simply stones’ and ’Original Body’ are our two foundation courses. If you have already attended a stone therapy course elsewhere then our ’Beyond Hot Stones’ is the course to introduce you to the LaStone® principles. Whether you come from the beauty/spa industry, the holistic route or the sports/deep tissue route we have additional courses to suit everyone.

For those of you who are already LaStone therapists we are introducing some one day courses. These will focus on the main LaStone® principles – Energy and Thermotherapy. We have specifically designed these courses to recap the old principles and introduce you to some advanced techniques. All courses are accredited and are based on the new GRCCT guidelines. (see course details for more information).

For those of you who don’t get enough treatments then we are arranging a series of weekend retreats. These are designed to take some time out and relax in some beautiful surroundings. The weekends are designed around attending small workshops, sharing ideas, discussions and demonstrations. No weekend would be complete without having the opportunity to give and receive LaStone® treatments.

It is important to make the right decisions when purchasing the equipment needed to support the training undertaken in Stone Therapy. LaStone helps you every step of the way.

Keeping your stones and treatment environment sterile is vital to prevent cross-contamination between clients. After spending a number of hours with a chemist we have developed two new products that will safely and hygiencially sanitise the stones. The new range is called 'Stone Solutions'.

Keeping Bsalt Stones Clean - Stone Solution Tablets.

Just adding 2 tablets to the water at the start of each day will keep your stones sanitised and germ free all day. This will replace the traditional method of placing a Milton's sterilising tablet in the heater in-between treatments. The Stone Solution tablets will kill off all the 'nasties' including MRSA and cold and Flu germs. Two tablets a day costs approximately 25p.

Keeping Marble/Sardonyx Stone clean - Stone Solution Spray.

We have developed a spray that consists of a high concentration of alcohol that will kill every type of bacteria. This will replace the traditional method of using surgical spirit or mouth wash. The method remains the same. Spray and wipe each stone after it comes into contact with skin and then return to the cooler or cool box.

Cleaning Stones and equipment at the end of the Treatment Session

We recommend that you clean all of your stones at the end of the day in anti-bacterial hand soap (you can find these at any good supermarket). This will remove any bacteria that lives on the skin. This replaces the traditional method of using washing up liquid. We recommend that you always dry your stones ensuring that the stones stay bacteria free until their next use. Don't forget to energise your stones on a regular basis to maintain them in good working order and always use pure jojoba oil to maintain healthy stones and an oil free heater.

To order any of the above products please contact us for a full order form and prices

Kind Regards

Lesley, Anna and the LaStone Team

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Stone Therapy Massage

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