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Aurele Hedley

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Welcome to
Aurele Hedley - Alternative Therapist

The therapies I practice have been developed over centuries and are designed to enable the body to heal itself.

About Us

Individually or in combination, each therapy comes from an understanding that there is a direct relationship between the quality of a person’s emotions and their physical health. Each recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient who needs the treatment, not the disease.

Whilst all these therapies are extremely effective in their own right, a combination can prove extraordinary.

What problems can these therapies address?

Quite simply, the list is endless - these therapies help almost any condition, aches, pains, fears & phobias. As long as the patient has a desire to get better, the results can be instant!

Are These Therapies Safe?

Absolutely! Each therapy can be used independently or as a combination to safely treat people of all ages for virtually any condition.

Bowen is NOT manipulation but is a very powerful treatment. I recommend that my patients are very gentle with themselves for the first 24 hours after a session. Patients may feel a bit dizzy afterwards. Children have been known to go home and sleep for 18 hours! Others feel very emotional. This is a good sign, recognising the indisputable link between our emotions and our physical form.

Homeopathy is totally safe if used with respect. Common practice of repeat dosing can lead to side effects, a problem people are not generally aware of.

EFT is a powerful tool if used with respect and understanding. I consider both these philosophies to be key to my practice.

Bowen Technique

Tom Bowen developed this technique in the 20th century. It is a very simple, no nonsense remedial therapy that is gentle, non-intrusive yet very effective.

It is a hands holistic therapy, which, through a series of non-invasive, light, rollingmoves over muscles and connective tissue, it invites the body to reset and heal itself.

During the treatment we leave periods in which the client is left resting to allow the body to absorb the gentle moves that have been performed. This gives the body time to relieve tension, reduce pain and initiate the healing process. Bowen is not a form of massage.

Treatment can be performed through light clothing.

Common presenting symptoms are chronic back and neck pain, sports injuries, RSI, frozen shoulder and asthma. However, I have also found it to be remarkable for helping young people with ADHD and similar conditions such as Asperger’s Syndrome. Also, for people with chronic conditions such as ME., polymyalgia rheumatic, eczema, migraines and insomnia,

For horses, indeed all other animals Bowen is equally effective. It even works on chickens!

Bowen works for the very old, the very young, male, female and everything inbetween!


Homeopathy is the only form of medicine that has a set of principles of how to practice. These principles govern the management of the case, the prescription and the follow up sessions.

Developed in the late 18th century by Dr Samuel Hahnemann the word homeopathy ‘ means ‘similar (homeo) suffering (pathos).

The prescription is founded on finding the most similar remedy that reflects your condition. In the case of an acute problem such as recent onset shingles I will not only be asking where the affection – for example the head or your back, but also what the pain feels like to you, what time of day or night is it better or worse, is there anything that makes it feel better or worse and most importantly how you are in yourself and what events preceded the onset of the shingles.

With chronic conditions we will look at your life’s medical conditions not just the one you present with. Even the types of food you like or dislike can give me a clue as to the remedy you require.

Emotional Freedom Technique

I think of EFT as the icing on the cake!

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is energy or meridian healing, which has been documented in texts dating back over 5,000 years.

When using the technique we idenitify the issue or problem you wish to address then ‘tap’ a series of meridian points. The process is based on the understanding that any problem causes a disruption in the body’s energy system. By tapping these points and vocalising the issue these disruptions are resolved.

In conjunction with Bowen, EFT is incredibly effective as the Bowen enables a swift release of tension on ta physical level and EFT can release the cause from the sub-conscious.

When I fiirst saw EFT being done I did not believe it could work, but the result was instantaneous. And it can be done literally anywhere. I have worked on a terrified teenager at Chessington World of Adventures, in woodland where a 12 year old was too frightened to get back on her horse, but had the prospect of a 6 mile walk home. And it I have used it on holiday to help a lady with her pain.

As human beings we can get ourselves very mixed up with our fears and emotions and EFT is brilliant at releaseing these compromising states. I have worked with a lady who was terrified of plants - going to the office was literally a nightmare for her. EFT can liberate people overhwelmed with anger and resentment and others who cannot find a release from their grief.

Equine Assisted Learning

Horses break through our defence barriers – either because of their beauty, their speed or simply because they are so big!

The majority of people never come into contact with them. One client said that the only thing he knew about horses was through the bookies. Another was only convinced about the teeth at one end and hard feet at the other. A third only thinks about them associated with the police in inner London . Not very good associations. However, we can transform these negative beliefs into a life changing process.

So why do horses work so well as therapists? They are social animals, like us. They have defined roles within the herd as we do in our lives. They have distinct personalities, attitudes and moods – so what seems to work with one horse does not work with another. Does this sound familiar? In other words horses provide numerous opportunities for metaphorical learning.

To maximise on understanding their and therefore our individuality we always work with two or more horses of various shapes and sizes.

Non-verbal communication assertiveness, creative thinking, problem solving, taking responsibility, team work, confidence and attitude are several examples of skills that can be developed through EAL.

When I have clients asking for Equine Assisted Learning or therapy I work with my colleagues in the Harp Partnership - David O'Malley and Jeni Russell.

Service Categories
Bowen Therapy

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