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Daniella Warner

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Natural Holistic Wellbeing

Address Blackwells End
Gloucester GL19 3DB
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About Daniella Warner

I understand that we all have stresses in our lives and don't seem to have the time to ourselves as we live in such a 'rat race'. Why not have 'Time for You' for a change, and treat yourself to one of these holistic therapies with me and see how it changes your life to a happier and healthier one. Or treat your animals to a Reiki session and see how happier they feel.

I offer pre wedding packages, such as Luxury Pamper Days - Spa in your own home. Includes holistic massages, manicures and pedicures - everything to make your hen day special.

I am a Health Dowser-Reiki Master-Healer, a Master Practitioner Member of the UK Reiki Federation, Registered Professional Health Dowser of the British Society of Dowsers and offer a personal and professional service . I work throughout Gloucestershire & Worcestershire for animal healing. I also have a clinic at Joot, 5 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham for any of the holistic treatments for you.

Reiki Therapy

I am a Reiki Master Practitioner of the Usui Traditional Reiki system and specialise in hands on energy therapy on people and animals.

I have lived and worked with animals for over 30 years and love to help our four legged friends. I love how I work because it does work - quickly and effectively .

Reiki is healing energy. When I channel this life energy through my hands to the recipient, it activates the body's natural ability to heal itself. The energy goes to where illnesses have their origin and works wherever it is most needed, releasing blocked energies, cleansing the body of toxins and working to create a state of balance.

Indian Head Massage

Originally it was part of the ancient Ayurvedic healing system and practised as a therapy and offers an instant de-stressing programme for the entire body. Physical benefits are obtained immediately, with specific relaxation of the muscles and easing of tension.

Do you often feel tension in your neck & shoulders from sitting at a computer, or carrying heavy shopping bags? Can't sleep at night cause you've got a lot on your mind? Eye strain or migraines from staring at computers all day? Sounds familiar? - Well Indian Head Massage can melt away all your tension, fatigue & stress to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Come and try this wonderful relaxing massage and see for yourself.

I work from behind you by performing a flowing sequence of massage, commencing from the upper back area, shoulders, through to the neck, ears and scalp, and completing with a face massage which gives a lovely relaxing finish to the treatment. Sheer Bliss!


It is the ancient art of hair removal practiced by ancient civilizations. Egyptian hieroglyphics describe how slave girls should be hairless, clean and smooth, so tradition has been continued and today Arabic women still practice bodily hair removal, especially prior to the wedding night.

Sugaring is ideal for a pre-holiday tan giving you silky smooth skin which is ideal for your holiday, honeymoon or even all year round.

Sugar paste is 100% natural, not tested on animals and environmentally friendly. It is water soluble, applied warm (not hot) and it doesn't stick to the skin, only the hair, with the hairs pulled cleanly from the roots unbroken without bruising the surrounding area, making it less painful than waxing for clients with sensitive skins, varicose veins, eczema and psoriasis sufferers and diabetics.

Hair does not have to be long to be treated. Any skin and hair type can be treated successfully, even coarse stubbly hair. Hair re-growth is slower, finer and sparser. Dead skin is removed and skin is left soft, smooth and healthy looking.

You can have any part of the body treated with Sugaring and the treatments I offer are:- eyebrows, top lip, chin, underarms, back, arms, legs & bikini lines - Standard, Thong, Brazilian & Hollywood.

Oriental Face Massage

Oriental Face Massage incorporates techniques from Indian Face Massage, Japanese Face Massage, Chinese Face Massage and Tibetan Face Massage, and Natural Face Lift Massage. The fusion of these techniques works on the facial muscles, easing tension, smoothing away lines, and increasing elasticity.

Sometimes our facial expressions become habitual, encouraging formation of wrinkles, sagging skin and ageing, as the face loses its muscle tone and elasticity.

These face massage techniques show that you do not need cosmetic surgery to look younger! The massage incorporates the neck, face and scalp. It improves blood circulation, helps to remove toxins from the face, helps to reduce wrinkles, and improves your complexion, minimizing the ageing process. Oriental Face Massage is suitable for men and women of all ages. It is a very safe and enjoyable therapy. You will find this a very relaxing experience, and will feel your stress and tension melt away!


To dowse is to search for that which is hidden from view.

You may be familiar with dowsing with the use of 'divining rods' to search for underground water sources.

Dowsing for health with a crystal pendulum is based on the same principle - it is a technique used to locate the underlying source of bodily or emotional imbalance that lead to ailments and physical reactions such as allergies or disease.

Dowsing is a unique powerful and ancient art, it finds and re-patterns 'blocked' energy paths. It both complements and enhances other natural therapies and can even be used to diagnose and treat specific issues, such as, food allergies, intolerances, stress related problems. *( Stress Release ) and environmental sensitivities.

Dowsing for health gets to the root cause of the problem. It releases patterns of behaviour that keep us stuck in the past, allowing us to let go of our resistance to change and experience a surge of creative energy.

Take the next steps to freedom and be free from emotional, mental and physical issues from addictions, pains, phobias, emotional stress, limiting beliefs and general life clutter.

Choose the pathway to enhanced Health, Hope, Happiness & Harmony.

Hopi Ear Candling

Also known as Thermo Auricular Therapy, a relaxing and gentle natural therapy to cleanse and harmonize.

Hopi Ear Candles are made from pure Beeswax, Honey, Sage, St. Johns Wort, Chamomile and pure essential oils.

Thai Foot Massage

Thai Foot Massage is a gentle and highly effective massage of the feet, legs and hands that originated in Thailand about 2000 years ago. It is part of traditional Thai massage and has elements of Shiatsu, Chinese massage and Yoga incorporated into the massage itself. It is still taught by Buddhist monks in the temples of Thailand.

Thai Foot Massage is performed solely with the hands with the client lying on a massage couch. This relaxing massage starts at the legs, working from the hips to the knee joints and then working on the calf muscles, followed by working on the various points of the feet both on the top and soles and then finally moving on to various points of the hands.

Service Categories
Ear Candling, Holistic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Thai Massage

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