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Using Picture Books to Teach Children about Animals


Using Picture Books to Teach Children about Animals

Most children adore being read to. Young children especially will love hearing a story while they look at the pictures. This is can be a fantastic was to explore a theme or topic to a child. When it comes to animals, you may want a child to learn about caring for them, what happens when a pet becomes ill or passes away or various other topics. Picture books can be a great way to explore these themes together.

Visit a good bookshop or library

If you have a good bookshop in your area, speak to the staff. Staff at bookshops generally have an excellent knowledge of the titles available, as do children’s librarians. Explain what you are trying to achieve and the age of child or children. You will most likely be given a few recommendations.

Read the book yourself

Before you read the book to the child, be sure you have read it first. You want to be able to understand the theme and ideas in the book. Children love asking questions. So be prepared that they may have some for you! This is the perfect opportunity to discuss the topic in a relaxed way. You can use the characters and illustrations in the story to help the child understand the point being made.

Try different stories

Not every story will resonate with every child. This is why it’s a good idea to have a few options available. If the child isn’t responding or engaging with the story, try another one! Sometimes certain words or pictures will be grab a child’s attention, whereas other times it may be a character. Try out a few and see which ones they gravitate towards.
Picture books can be a wonderful tool to explore a topic with a young person. It can open up a discussion. Always be patient and be prepared that they may want to you to read the story more than once.

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