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Bringing Balance & Healing to Your Life

At Yeekame Health we practice a unique system of allergy diagnosis and treatment pioneered by The British Institute for Allergy & Environmental Therapy.

Trowbridge BA14 0AF
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We use a system that has been very successful for over 10 years.

The diagnostic method is simple and without discomfort. The treatment method is by way of isopathic desensitisation. Diagnosis and treatment are painless, without the side effects usually associated with conventional medicine, and are suitable for infants and children as well as adults.

Allergies and Food Intolarances

Noun: allergy; a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.

The term allergy was first used nearly a hundred years ago by Baron Clemens von Pirquet. He defined allergy as being any altered response to the environment. In this context the environment means the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath and anything to which we come in physical contact.

To put it another way, an allergy is an overreaction, by the body, to an ordinarily harmless substance. These substances are termed allergens.

Nowadays we tend to talk about allergies, food intolerances and chemical sensitivities, but the same basic definition is a useful one; they all involve the body over-reacting in some way. Increasingly it is being found that there is no easy way to differentiate between allergies and intolerances – both involve the immune system but in slightly different ways.

Whilst intolerances, or delayed allergies, used to be thought by most doctors to be all in the mind, they are now increasingly recognised as causing many different health problems. Some 70 percent of the population is thought to have one or more food intolerance.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

In recent years, irritable bowel syndrome has become an increasingly common diagnosis, and patients may have been told that little can be done about this condition, although antispasmodics and laxatives are sometimes prescribed.

Fortunately IBS can be successfully treated by the allergy therapist and of course, apart from allergies, the possibility of Candida albicans infestation and other parasites must be considered. The patient will present with some or all of the following symptoms:
  • Abdominal pain or spasm. Griping and cramping aches, often triggered by food and usually most severe about two hours after eating.
  • Variability of bowel function, between the extremes of diarrhoea and constipation, often with explosive diarrhoea and resulting “accidents” as much wind is also passed.
  • Pain in the rectum, often with a moist sore anus caused by a non-functioning Houston’s valve (a common symptom of candidasis).
  • Indigestion, and inability to finish meals.
  • Trapped wind, becoming more intense during the day.
  • Abdominal Bloating and Belching.
  • Increased rumbling bowel sounds.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Backache.
  • Pain during and after sexual intercourse.
  • Feeling that the bladder is constantly full.
  • Tiredness.
  • Frequent passing of normal stools.

Diagnostic and Treatment

What happens on my first visit for allergy testing?
At your first visit I will ask you about your symptoms, general health and lifestyle and medical history. Following muscle testing we will discuss which foods or chemicals seem to be causing your problem. A plan of action will be agreed and remedies prescribed if needed. In addition to testing various dietary changes may be suggested based on your current diet and health problems.

Rather than “like cures like” (which is based around symptoms), Isopathy uses “exactly the same thing cures the thing” i.e., isopathic preparations are made from the actual cause of the allergy, such as pollen for hay fever.

Whilst it is appreciated that there are many forms of allergy testing available, few therapists are able to offer treatment other than total avoidance of the suspected allergen. This is not difficult if the offending substance happens to be pheasant, lobster or yams for example, but can the patient be absolutely certain of avoiding preservatives, additives, food colourings, wheat, soya, eggs etc?

The remedies that are used in the treatment method are prepared by homeopathic pharmaceutical techniques and can be used safely and effectively by both therapist and patient. They are totally unrelated and dissimilar to the desensitization injections which are usually given for hayfever in hospital clinics.

The treatment is given by mouth and is free from side effects, involves no restrictive diets and is very acceptable to patients.

Treatment Costs:
  • First appointment, 1 hour £45.00
  • Follow up appointment (if required) £30.00
  • Average cost of each individual remedy £8.00

About Simon

My first experience of allergy therapy was over 20 years ago, when I was referred to an allergy specialist by my mother’s osteopath. The therapist confirmed my diagnosis, an allergy to dust mites and successfully treated me by desensitising me with homeopathy.

For many years I continued without any of the symptoms I had previously suffered with, such as the constant sneezing and sinus problems.

Some years later I lived and travelled in Mexico where I was drawn to the local indigenous spiritual and healing practices. I became interested in Yoga, nutrition and Buddhism amongst other eastern traditions. These practices have formed an integral part of who I am today.

After returning to the U.K I decided I would like to work as an alternative healer and make use of all the knowledge and experience I had applied to my own life.

I recalled my own experience and treatment for my allergy and set about finding the therapist that had treated me.

After much investigation I managed to track him down and he very kindly pointed me in the direction of The British Institute for Allergy & Environmental Therapy.

I’m now a qualified therapist who practices out of Trowbridge in Wiltshire, England and I’m very happy to be able to work in a field where I can be of benefit to other people’s health and well-being.


‘I had a stomach problem that no one seemed to get to the bottom off, Simon was thorough with analysis, quick with the remedies, and expertly allowed time for healing.’

Holly Anne Thody

‘Thank you very much for all the help that you gave me, I’m no longer suffering from hives and I now know what foods to avoid. Highly recommended.'

Shelley Garlington

If you wish to book an appointment please contact me here

Service Categories
Allergy Testing / Treatments, Homeopaths, Kinesiology

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