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TR balance movement therapy

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Movement Therapy is about re-educating your body to move as it was designed to move. Its about releasing your body from restrictions that result from past injuries, emotional issues, tension and stress.

South East London SE26 4TD
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Welcome to TR balance

Imagine how a dancer moves; with elegance, grace and control. Using physical exercises, visualisation and breathing techniques, Movement Therapy teaches you to move naturally, with more agility, balance and coordination.

We use variations of this technique with all of our clients - everyone benefits, whether they are sports people, people in pain or those who just generally would like to feel better. Rather than traditional gym training where movements are very one dimensional, we teach you more natural, spiralling movements, often put together into sequences to encourage whole body, multi-directional movement patterns, similar to how you move through your daily life.

As you work with this system, learning more about your body and deepening your awareness, you will begin to feel more relaxed and in control. This can help reduce stress levels and the resulting tension, aches and pains; the balance between mind and body that you achieve during sessions spreads into your daily life so that you dont just want to take better care of your body but make a positive effort to do so.

About Us


Anna Toombs

Anna's background is in traditional fitness training. She began her career thirteen years ago teaching aerobics and traditional gym workouts but she was always keen to consider different types of body conditioning. Through her studies of human movement, she came across Pilates as a therapeutic method of exercise and soon became a specialist in working with people in pain. Anna studied psychology at university, with a focus on social psychology and self-concept, and has a keen interest in understanding how ones state of mind can have a remarkable physical effect on the body. This awareness of the mental affecting the physical, and vice versa, is an integral component of movement therapy.

    Southampton University: BSc (Hons) Psychology
    YMCA: Exercise to Music
    Fit to Perform Ltd: Gym Instructor, Step Aerobics Instructor, Personal Trainer
    Pilates Institute: Anatomy & Physiology, Matwork, One to One, Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair
    Kinesis UK: Anatomy Trains


David Robinson

David’s background is in martial arts and dance and he has competed successfully in both at international level. He has also competed at national level in swimming and cycling. In 1987 he began teaching martial arts and has since helped to set up a number of martial arts schools across South East London. David’s interest in sport led him to study with the highly regarded National Academy of Sports Medicine in the United States, which offers a precise and scientific methodology. David’s academic background is in physics and engineering and he loves to blend the science of movement with the more mental and spiritual ideology of the martial arts, which really is one of the key factors forming the basis of movement therapy.

    United Kingdom Kyokushin Kai Karate Association: 2nd Dan
    Gaijin Ryu Association: 3rd Dan
    NASM: Anatomy, Physiology & Sports Biomechanics, Certified Personal Trainer, Sports Fitness Specialist, Flexibility Specialist
    Kinesis UK: Anatomy Trains

Training Areas



It can be difficult to know how to exercise during pregnancy as there are lots of changes happening in your body. Exercise is so effective though in helping you to cope with the physical demands of pregnancy and of course being fitter and stronger makes things much easier once youve given birth and are caring for your baby.

We have worked with a number of clients right the way through their pregnancies. Some of these were exercising already and we find that in a lot of cases, we dont need to make too many changes to the client's regime. It all depends on your body's reaction to being pregnant; energy levels change, morning (or afternoon or evening!) sickness can be a factor and changes in flexibility can occur which affect the joints.

Some pregnant clients are new to exercise which isn't a problem at all. The key is to start at the appropriate level and progress from there. We also encourage plenty of feedback; we tend to change the course of a session according to how a client is feeling so that they get the most out of it without becoming exhausted or uncomfortable.



Injury and pain are upsetting, worrying and frustrating. When your body is in pain it affects your whole life - your concentration, your work, your movement, activities that you do.

For some people, the process of dealing with an injury or pain is fairly straightforward: they hurt themselves, they rest and their injury heals. This scenario is sadly quite uncommon and for most people pain tends to linger, sometimes apparently moving from one area of the body to another so that what started as an ankle sprain becomes a sharp knee pain and then a constant dull ache in the hip or buttock.

The important thing to remember is that, in the majority of cases, movement is good. It’s knowing how to move and how much to move which is tricky and that’s where we come in.



Many people contact us with concerns about their running practice.

Some are serious runners who perhaps are having trouble with a recurring injury, whilst others are beginners who are finding running uncomfortable and are not sure how to proceed. We often hear from former runners who are frustrated at having been told that due to injury, they should never run again.

If you’re experiencing trouble with your running in any way, please contact us. It may be that your running technique needs tweaking, or that you need to make some changes to your flexibility and strength. Remember that running is a total body movement that requires easy flow of energy through all your muscles and joints, so chances are you need to be doing some extra, targeted movements to improve your running mechanics.

If you fancy learning more about improving your running in a group situation, check out for information on group training and workshops.


Sports Performance

Think about the differences between a golfer, a rugby player, and their respective games. A golfer’s game is slow and controlled, requiring a moment of pure concentration prior to each shot. The golf swing is all about rotation - a full-body spiralling movement that is flowing and yet very precise.

A rugby game looks very different. It’s swift and powerful, the players need speed and strength to survive the pounding they are subjected to in every match, yet they are quick on their feet, able to execute sudden and repeated changes of direction throughout the game.

When we work with you, the athlete, it is important for us to understand these varied demands on your body. We will analyze you during movement both in and out of your game to highlight areas that need attention. The human body is wonderfully adaptive and we maximise on this by creating exercises and movement patterns that will enhance your performance.

As with all Movement Therapy clients, we teach you how to become involved mentally as well as physically - too often people’s minds hold them back rather than their physical capabilities.


Well Being

Who decided that being healthy should be so complicated? Exercise used to be something that was incorporated into everyday life; people washed their floors on their hands and knees, did all their laundry by hand and went for bracing walks to the shops.

Nowadays, all the hard physical work is done for you with washing machines, dishwashers, online shopping and the like. So what should you do instead to keep fit? Join a gym? Buy a treadmill? Everyone says you must do resistance training - but how much should you lift and how should you lift it?

These dilemmas are all things that we can help you with. We can also help you make sense of the crazy world of healthy eating. Carbs or no carbs? Which fats are bad fats? Should you mix carbs with protein? And is it really out of the question to stop eating after 7pm (when you dont get home until 8pm?).

When the media makes it all so complicated, we will make it simple for you - and you can breathe a sigh of relief and get on with it. No gimics, definitely no quick fixes - but success if you work hard and listen well.

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