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Helen Harris Complementary Therapist

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Reflexology, Sound Therapy, Polarity Therapy & Indian Face Massage to improve health and well-being, including Pregnancy and Fertility issues

Contact NameHelen Harris
Address Simpson Loan
Edinburgh EH3 9BS
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Health disorders are not only brought about by trauma or disease, they may be the result of, or exacerbated by diet, the environment, long-standing or recent emotional issues and stress. Practising as a holistic therapist for 10 years, I take into account all aspects of a client's lifestyle. The initial consultation and rapport established between us plays a vital role in the healing process as it helps me to build a picture of your problems and imbalances. With pregnant clients, the aim is to help support the pregnancy and to help prepare for as good a birthing as possible.

Fully-insured as a Reflexologist, Sound Therapist, Polarity Therapist and Indian Face Massage Practitoner, I recently moved back to my beautiful home town from Wimbledon, London. My practice is in the Quartermile development in Edinburgh city centre. It can easily be reached from Marchmont, Tollcross, Bruntsfield and Morningside.

More about my background, treatment fees and location >


Reflexology involves the application of specific types of pressure and manipulation to points and areas located on all parts of the feet called reflexes. They relate to the structures, internal organs and tissues of the body in such a way that the body can be mapped directly onto the feet. By working these reflexes the intention is to influence other parts of the body, removing energy blockages while inducing a state of complete relaxation so that the body's innate healing powers may come into play. Similar principles apply to the hands.

Enhanced techniques >


Once pregnant, the body undergoes a myriad of changes to cater for the growing embryo then foetus. Every system is affected; so it's important for your health as an expectant mother and for the health of the new life inside you that steps are taken to ensure everything is kept in balance. It's a time when you need to be nurtured and cherished as well as supported in the pregnancy. This is where Maternity Reflexology may prove most beneficial. New mothers increasingly report they believe that regular visits to a Maternity Reflexologist as well as a healthy lifestyle throughout the pregnancy helped them to have not only a good labour and birthing but a speedy recovery.

Treatment timing, labour and birth >

Pre-conception and Fertility Issues

Because the most important developments in the womb take place in the first few months, when planning a pregnancy you may consider using comple-mentary therapies, nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle to place the body in the optimum state for conception and early foetal development. The recommendation is to begin preparing about four months before attempting conception. This gives the body a chance to clear of toxins and benefit from healthier living.

Subfertility >

Sound Therapy

Everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Every aspect of nature pulsates in an endless interplay of delicate and complex vibrations. We are part of this pattern. When there’s illness or constant stress there may be disharmony in our own natural vibrations. Sound is vibrational energy. Ancient cultures have long used it as part of their healing rituals. Now there is a growing body of scientific and clinical research into the therapeutic effects of sound healing tools.

Drums, Gongs, Himalayan and Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks and Mantra >

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy uses a variety of gentle manipulation and touch. Treatment is based on the premise that we are fields of pulsating biomagnetic energy. The therapist's hands are used like the positive and negative poles of a magnet with the intention of relieving congestion in the energy flow; so the body's innate healing powers may take effect and balance may be restored physically, mentally and emotionally. The therapy also focuses on the Ayurvedic chakra system and the Ayurvedic Five Elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth as well as reflex points all over the body.

My application of Polarity Therapy >

Indian Face Massage

Also known as Facial Rejuvination, this massage does not involve oils, lotions or creams. It's based on the use of important acupressure points on the face and head together with specific massage techniques developed by Kundan Mehta of the London School of Champissage.

How it can help retard the signs of ageing and more >

The Effects of Stress

Positive stress is good. It provides us with a buzz to face challenges, whether performing in front of an audience, facing a job interview, or surviving threatening situations. As long as the effects of the adrenalin rush that allowed us to meet the challenge are dissipated, the body will use its innate mechanisms to come back into balance without long-lasting adverse effects. Negative stress is continuous or frequently recurring without the opportunity for the body to return to a balanced state. Sadly, it’s become a part of everyday living.

More on negative stress and how to redress it >

Service Categories
Beauty Therapy, Natural Fertility Management, Polarity Therapy, Reflexology, Sound Therapy, Womens Health

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