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Ollie Charles

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Spiritual and Personal Development

AddressYoga Central Plus
1-3 Greys Road

Henley-On-Thames RG9 1SB
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"transformational guidance for the inner self, helping you awaken to who you really are...’

How to live in presence and awareness

Emotional healing, understanding and improving relationships

Spiritual and personal awakening - realise who you are!

Inner peace and stilling the mind

Achieving happiness in your career

A more fulfilling, loving and meaningful life

Adjusting to major life transitions

The perfume of the rose is not the flower itself, just as the real part of ourselves is not our visible body. Often referred to as ‘presence’ or ‘awareness’, the key to being at peace with our lives and at one with the world around us, is to realise this state within us. Once accessed, this state of being can become our inner guide, calming the mind, allowing us to silently observe, hear our intuition and lead us to fulfill our life experience in a more harmonious and beautiful way than we could ever have imagined.

We cannot readily live in ‘presence’, especially in the West when our minds and working days are filled with lists of things to do, thoughts, imagination, worries and desires. We exist on a diet of information overload and in this mix we literally forget how to be, as there doesn’t seem any space left at all for a quiet mind and our true inner self. Much of our personality is made up in this way and so to enter within ourselves and become ‘present’, not only do we have to find the way but we also need to become aware of that which prevents us from doing so. ‘Persona’ (Latin root for personality) means mask. This implies something that is false, or at the least that the real lies underneath.

Many of the characteristics of our personality that prevent us from simply being are ‘false’ and because they are so close to us, we don’t even see them. If we don’t notice these aspects how can we take them off, or put them down? Is it possible to live in life with one’s responsibilities and yet follow a path towards greater consciousness of being?

Transformational teaching implies that the individual goes through a process, where self-observation and personal verification, become the corner stones of one’s work. It is through the guidance of a teacher that one becomes aware of what to look for. Just as the unfoldment of a rose releases its essence, its perfume, so does the unfoldment of the true self. Both represent a hidden beauty that goes beyond the visible world.

Ollie Charles has studied consciousness and the universal quest for inner enlightenment for over 20 years. Understanding this great work has led him to delve deeper into the rich heritage of Eastern and Western fine arts, literature, philosophies and many of the practical aspects of mysticism and ancient esoteric traditions. His teaching style is described as light, down to earth and often humourous, using easily grasped analogy and metaphor, including many examples from his own life experience. Ollie aims to present a path to the invisible part of that which is historically seen as something belonging to ‘Eastern Yoga’ and current ‘New Age’ movements, in an easily accessible and modern form.
Since 1997, Ollie has lectured internationally and taught many groups and individuals in London, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Diego, Mexico City and Sydney. He has dedicated his life to the ongoing universal awakening of humanity and helping teach those that wish to be guided further along the same path.

Service Categories
Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing

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