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Your Health Your Life Your Wealth

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Looking to shed excess weight? Weight loss. Fat loss. Weight reduction. Sports Nutrition. Cardiovascular health. Anti-agening. Skincare. Outer nutrition.

Contact NameJoan Woodcock

Maidenhead SL6 3PH
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Welcome to Your Health Your Life Your Wealth

  • Looking to shed excess weight?

  • Simply wanting to shape up and lose excess flab?

  • Sports lovers seeking more stamina and performance?

  • Do you desire to gain more vitality and look your best?

  • Or do you just want to know more about the best healthy nutrition & find out what your body needs as opposed to what it normally gets?

  • Over 30 years medical research has revealed the safest most effective way for people to lose weight, maintain their best shape and hold onto the vitality of their youth.

Thanks to a revolutionary new study, a NATURAL, SAFE method to maximize your physical potential has just been revealed

We have some great news for you...

Dr David Heber, professor at the UCLA Department of Medicine - has just published a best selling book detailing the findings of over 20 years of obesity and health management and the results are startling. They are so revolutionary that they threaten to turn the weight loss and wellness industries on their head.

In fact what he discovered is helping even normal weight people to reshape themselves and improve their vitality, sportsmen gain stamina and strength and overweight people shed their excess bodyfat. The difference between what Dr Heber says and what so many other "experts" claim is that his theories have been PROVEN in clinical trials across Europe and ther USA involving thousands of volunteers. That's right - his suggestions for helping you to take charge of your own weight and body management are based upon clinical trials, some of which showed a 75% success rate.

About Me

I had been a yo-yo dieter for more years than I care to remember and thought nothing was ever going to work for me long term. However, that is before I rather sceptically joined this programme and went on to lose 4st but, more importantly, have kept it off for the past 6 years. I never feel deprived of the foods I love, I feel fantastic and have more energy than I should for someone my age! I know that having been in the same situation of many thousands of people in the UK who feel they have tried everything without permanent success, I am in a position to help.
If you are serious about losing weight, then I'm serious about helping you.
If you are serious about maintaining or gaining weight, then I'm serious about helping you.
If you are serious about helping your body, internally and externally, to combat the ageing process, I can help you.
If you are seriously interested in protecting your cardiovascular health, I can help you.
Finally, if you are a serious athlete or sportsperson who wants to improve his/her performance, then we have serious products that have proved outstanding for professional sports people around the world, including Inter Milan, LA Galaxy and MC Barcelona to name but a few.

Please contact me for a free, no obligation consultation. If it's weightloss that particularly interests you I also run a regular Weightloss Challenge covering 12 weeks, during when I guarantee you will begin to know more about how your body works and possibly why other programmes have not worked for you in the past, This is a fun, interactive meeting of people all in the same boat who want to understand how they can conquer their weight management problems of the past. To make the Challenge even more fun there are quizzes and prizes and cash payouts to the top 3 weightloss/inchloss losers at the end of the 12 weeks. Txt WLC for more details.

Service Categories
Mens Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Womens Health

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