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Glasgow Chiropractic

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Our aim is to take care of all of you. Everyone living longer and feeling stronger.

Glasgow Chiropractic and it’s team of Chiropractors look to assist people with their back pain, neck pain, headaches and other general pain ailments, but we also aim to do a whole lot more.

As we are all living longer into the future, we will need to take better care of ourselves and this is where we as your Chiropractors in Glasgow can assist you. People in their 60’s are now running marathons, 70 year olds are climbing mountains . . . . old age is getting further away for many which means that you need to maintain your health for longer.

Your body’s strength, endurance, power, and flexibility can be trained and improved with Chiropractic care and by your Chiropractor. Your heart, lungs, liver, etc. will perform better and last longer if you take care of them. Your bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments need care and attention too. All of which Chiropractic care and your Chiropractor may be able to assist with.

Your neurology can also be trained to function more efficiently and more effectively with Chiropractic care.

Your thinking skills, mental agility and flexibilty can be trained with chiropractic care to give you more options and new freedoms.

Chiropractors may assist you to take better care of yourself with:
  • Regular Chiropractic Adjustments for optimum neurological function
  • Optimum joint mobility and optimum health and wellbeing
  • Simple easy to follow dietary advice
  • Simple easy to follow exercise programs
  • Regular general health and wellbeing check-ups
  • Educational workshops
  • Advice to help you rest, relax and recharge.

If you are new to our website, please feel free to discover and learn about chiropractic wellness. If you are interested in starting your journey towards wellness please subscribe to our award winning newsletter. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, please explore the member wellness section of our website for wellness articles, resources, and health facts---specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests.

Address Suite 2, 113, West Regent St
Glasgow G2 2RU
Email Make an Enquiry

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Welcome to Glasgow Chiropractic

Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Glasgow Chiropractic emphasises improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big surge in the popularity of our wellness centres.

For some, Glasgow Chiropractic will take them back to a place that is cozy and familiar, offering a rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the journey may offer a new centre, one never before experienced.

Our Services
(click here for details)
At Glasgow Chiropractic, we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic wellness care to our practice members. Below is a sampling of the different chiropractic services we offer in many of our practices.
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Corrective Exercises
  • Lifestyle Advice
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Massage Therapy
  • Mobile Wellness Assessments

What our practice members say about Glasgow Chiropractic!

“I thought I was too old to be helped, and I was told my problems were ‘wear and tear’ and that I should ‘live with it’, but after just a few visits I started to notice a big difference!

I am now well on the way to playing bowls and golf after giving it up because I was too sore. I always reccomend your practice to everyone I meet!”
- Mrs. B. Kennedy (81 years young)
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I just cannot believe the difference! After a period of treatment I now find myself painfree for the first time in ten years. Currently I have no headaches and only experience the odd twinge in my neck. This has impacted greatly on my working life as I have had no further sick leave and my concentration has greatly improved.

Furthermore I am sleeping better, and can enjoy my weekends without worrying that I may be hindered by a crippling headache.

Recently, I was able to enjoy my three week honeymoon without popping a single painkiller - life really is good!!!!” -
Mrs. G. Browning
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“You fixed my specific problem in a very professional manner which enabled me to buy a car with a sport seat! I feel that my overall posture has improved tremendously, I no longer have discomfort in my lower back that I previously thought was natural and I feel healthier overall.

All of the employees from my work that I referred to you show great improvement and I will have no hesitation whatsoever to keep referring friends and family to you.

I was a sceptic before, now I believe in the worth of Chiropractic!
- Mr. K. Dykstra
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