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Freedom Unfolds

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“The mind is everything. What you think, you become”
- Buddha

Contact NameLesley Lynton D Hyp MIAPH
AddressFreedom Therapy Centre
66 New Road

Portsmouth PO2 7RF
Email Make an Enquiry

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About Lesley

My name is Lesley Lynton and I am a practising Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist. I am a member of the International Association of Pure Hypnoanalysts (IAPH) and am fully qualified and insured.

am a member of the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and am a member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners.

Before qualifying, I had to go through my own therapy, so that I could appreciate how it felt to go through it. It allowed me to deal with alot of issues I had buried and made me much more positive about my life. I therefore have personal experience it DOES work very effectively.

I run my practice from the Freedom Therapy Centre, 66 New Road, Portsmouth PO2 7RF - only a short drive away from Fareham, Cosham, Horndean, Waterlooville, Havant, and Petersfield. Have a look at my contact page for the location on Google maps. There is free parking in the area, and I can also be there after normal working hours if that is required.


Therapies and Fees
Control of weight can be a particular problem for some people, who can go through years of yo-yo dieting, weight fluctuations, and maybe even depression and low self-esteem. We live in a very image conscious world, and people do feel pressured to “look” a certain way, or to be seen to be following some kind of food fad or weight loss regime! The media in particular is loaded with images of slim, supposedly “fit” people, and photographs are “doctored” to ensure that the model or person being photographed has no bumps or bulges!

Marilyn Munroe in her day was known as “the body”, and women longed to look like her. The quote above is her answer to the question by a reporter as to how she felt, being considered a sex symbol! Most people will not be aware, but she herself was a size 16!

Because people who may be overweight are made to feel worse by all the advertising, they don’t really know how to behave. You are seen to be lacking if you are not on the latest fad diet or running yourself ragged at the gym! This can make you feel “abnormal”. Obviously there are health implications to consider and carrying less weight is of course much healthier for you. As you are probably aware, being overweight not only increases the burden on your heart and lungs, but also on your joints and muscles. It can also increase your risk of adult-onset diabetes, asthma and sleep disorders. Also, if you are younger, being overweight can also decrease your chances of having children, and children of parents who are overweight/obese, are much more likely to be overweight/obese themselves!

On the other end of the scale, people can have difficulties with weight control which has been taken too far, again usually triggered by the pressure to look good, sometimes amongst peers or within the media. This distorted thinking can lead to problems such as annorexia or bulimia, and these problems are not just restricted to young impressionable teenagers. These thought patterns can strike at any age, and more men are now suffering from this, again due to pressure to have a certain image. Whilst too much weight is unhealthy, too little can be just as unhealthy, causing damage to organs and the skeletal system.

Suggestion therapy is particularly effective and helpful for weight control if you have below 2 stone to lose. It can be also very good to give a boost in confidence. The therapy I do is tailored to you as an individual, as the habits that you have picked up will need to be adjusted to fit in with your lifestyle. It can put you back IN CONTROL and feeling much more “normal” and positive about the future. Some people with weight problems will also suffer with depression and guilt, which can be resolved with this safe and effective therapy.

Weight management for bad eating habits can usually be successful in three sessions (after the initial consultation). If necessary, a follow-up appointment can be given one/two months after the last appointment just to ensure that all is going well. Please telephone or email to make arrangements for an appointment.

However I also undertake a Supreme Weight Loss Programme using Gastric Band Hypnosis. I use a combination of suggestion, cognitive behavioural therapy and programming to help with the main reason why you have such a weight problem – your emotional link to food and your need to find comfort! The whole programme (in 4 sessions) deals with all these reasons to overeat and helps you to address the low self esteem, stress and anxiety that goes with being overweight and unhappy.

The first two sessions consist of the initial assessment and the start of hypnosis to tackle the comfort eating habits and your emotions, and the second two sessions actual take you through the simulated surgery. It is necessary to investigate and deal with the reasons for the eating habits you have got into, before undertaking the virtual gastric band surgery to complete the process.

At the end of the four sessions your subconscious mind will believe that you have actually had Gastric Band surgery and you will feel full much quicker, just as you would have done if you had gone through the actual surgical operation.

You can also book a “follow up” appointment a few weeks later, to have the “band” tightened or loosened, just as you would after actual surgery, and this is undertaken at the price of a normal suggestion therapy session.

You may know someone who has had actual surgery and has not lost much weight. This is because they cheat! They liquidise their food and take high amounts of concentrated sugar in the form of liquidised mars bars etc., to get the kick they need without feeling over full. Although they have had the surgery to give them the physical limitations, they have not dealt with the underlying anxieties, the reasons which led them to comfort eat in the first place, so they are still looking for that satisfaction. The combination of therapies that I use, deals with those issues and helps people to rid themselves of the need to fuel their response to their mood, at the same time, convincing their mind that they have had the surgery! And all this without the huge price tag!

If you feel that Gastric Band Hypnosis is something that you would like to look into, please contact me. Please note however, that if you only have 2 stone or under to lose, this type of therapy is probably not suitable, and you would have good results with the three-session weight management that I offer.

With long term problems such as annorexia or bulimia, changing limiting beliefs therapy is particularly effective, as these conditions are very much connected to distorted thinking, and challenging this thinking is the best way to resolve this.

Please note that some will-power and MOTIVATION is required to make any long term commitment successful, but I know that following your treatment, you will feel fitter, leaner, and more in control of your life, ready to be the size you would like to be!

I also offer
  • Anger Management
  • Anorexia/bulimia
  • Anxiety/panic Attacks
  • Blushing/Shyness
  • Compulsions
  • Dental fears
  • Depression
  • Emetophobia
  • Exam Nerves (including driving)
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Losing Weight and Gastric Band Hypnosis
  • Obsessions
  • Pain management
  • Phobias and Fears
  • Public speaking
  • Reducing Stress
  • Self esteem problems
  • Shy/overactive bladder
  • Sleep problems
  • Stopping Smoking
  • Stuttering

Therapies and Fees

Hypnosis is a very safe and effective way of helping to relieve physical and psychological symptoms and long-term worries.

The main reason therapy under hypnosis works more quickly and efficiently than any other form of psychotherapy and counselling is that in those forms of therapies, the conscious mind is still very much in an active state, which can slow or even hinder the healing process to take place. Under hypnosis, the conscious mind is “set aside” for a while, and your sub-conscious is more aware and open to suggestions for resolution of your difficulty.

I practice both analytical therapy and suggestion therapy:-
    Analytical therapy is particularly effective and can totally resolve issues which have been “buried” in the subconscious mind. The brain is very powerful and apart from being in charge if you like of our bodily functions which we do not have to consciously think about, eg breathing, digestion, etc., it also takes care of our thoughts, and the subconscious mind (that part of the mind which we are not conscious of) protects us from anything that is likely to be a danger to us. That is how phobias or other anxieties develop. Something may have occurred in your childhood which was very difficult for you to handle at that time, and therefore the whole experience, the emotion and feelings that go with that experience have been locked away in your subconscious, even to the extent that you will never remember that experience again. This then causes a ripple effect and in order to protect you from that kind of emotional experience again, your feelings of that event will attach to something which will remind you of the original experience (“cause”) so that you avoid that situation again, and therefore a phobia, compulsion or obsession (“effect”) develops. Every effect has a cause. Analytical therapy is undertaken over a course of 6-12 weekly sessions. There is no other therapy as powerful as this for resolving these particular types of difficulties!

    Suggestion therapy is particularly effective with short term goals, such as stopping smoking, exam nerves, getting on a plane, etc. It can also help tremendously with self-confidence issues, dental fears, pain management and weight control. I use the “Rob Kelly Easy Smoking Cessation Method” to change people from smokers to non-smokers. As mentioned before, some amount of motivation and will power is required in addition to the therapy. Suggestion therapy can be extremely helpful with short-term anxiety disorders, fear of flying, public speaking, and anything of that nature. Depending on the reason for the therapy, suggestion therapy is usually undertaken in weekly intervals over 1-3 sessions, although for non-smoking, this can be resolved in ONE VISIT!

    Changing Limiting Beliefs is a method of therapy particularly for people with long term difficulties such as depression, anorexia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalia, and even ME. This therapy is undertaken over 1-6 weekly sessions, and is a mixture of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, and some “homework”! It is a more interactive therapy, and is proving to be extremely effective with these difficulties, as it changes your negative beliefs into positive ones, and allows you to take back control of your life!

    Stress Counselling is a method of psychotherapy usually with some form of relaxation therapy included within the sessions. This is usually undertaken on a one to one basis over 1-6 weeks or fortnight, or can be in a group session, but in this instance the content is slightly different. Some people find benefit from regular sessions maybe once a month - like having a relaxing massage!

  • Analytical therapy £60.00 per session
  • Suggestion therapy £70.00 per session
  • Weight management (suggestion) - 3 sessions £200.00 (or £70 per session)
  • Easy Smoking Cessation Method £150 (one session)
  • Changing Limiting beliefs £70.00 per session
  • Stress counselling – individual £40.00 per session
  • Or for groups of up to 20 peopleprice on application
  • Group Therapies (running for 10 weeks) £150 per 10 week course

NB A “session” is normally between 45 minutes and one hour, although the Smoking session is normally between one to one and a half hours.

The first session will usually start on the second visit. The first visit is an initial consultation which is COMPLETELY FREE. This is not required with some of the therapies, eg stopping smoking.

Service Categories
Counselling, Hypnobirthing, Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapy, Spiritual Healing, Weight Loss

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