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Breathing Remedies

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Janet teaches the Buteyko Breathing Method: natural, drug-free control of asthma and allergies, anxiety and stress, snoring and sleep problems.

Contact NameJanet Winter
Address148 Buxton Road
Furness Vale
Stockport SK23 7PH
Email Make an Enquiry

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Do you or your child:
  • Still have symptoms despite taking medication
  • Have side effects with medication or need increasingly stronger drugs or bigger doses
  • Prefer natural, complementary methods of controlling your own health

Buteyko breathing has proven benefit, and could let you control symptoms better, with less medication, by controlling your breathing.

Help With Breathing: Buteyko breathing can help with the following symptoms:
  • Blocked nose
  • Sinus problem
  • Throat clearing or constriction
  • Excess mucus or phlegm
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Breathlessness
  • Tight chest
  • Sneezing
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Panic
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Poor concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation
  • Cold hands
  • Hyperventilation syndrome
  • Poor sleep
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnoea


Asthma is extremely common, affecting more than five million people in the UK alone.

The symptoms of wheezing, breathlessness, tight chest, coughing, inability to take a good breath can be very frightening. Asthma still kills on average 1400 people per year in the UK.

    “I cannot remember having such a good night’s sleep and have not needed my reliever inhaler since doing the course” Asthma, High Peak.

Learning Buteyko helps to normalise the breathing pattern and reverse the chronic hyperventilation. Better breathing leads to better symptom control with less medication so Buteyko is a natural, drug-free treatment. When people learn to control their asthma with the simple breathing exercises, they learn not to fear asthma. Wheezing, coughing, breathlessness, tight chest become a thing of the past, or at least much more easily controlled.

    "My daughter used to wake up coughing every morning with her asthma. This stopped a few days into her Buteyko Breathing Method course" Asthma, Handforth.

The Buteyko method is a natural asthma remedy, uses no drugs, herbs machines or gadgets, and is the only proven complementary method for natural asthma control. It has been listed in the UK Asthma guidelines since 2008 British Thoracic Society & Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). British Guideline on the Management of Asthma. Guideline No. 101. Edinburgh:SIGN; 2008. A useful summary can be found on the Boots website.

So if you are looking for natural asthma remedies, the Buteyko Breathing method is proven to be safe and effective, and is listed in the guidelines.

Other respiratory conditions

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinus cavities (with or without infection) and often becomes chronic. Symptoms can include pain, headache, swelling, excessive mucus and postnasal drip. Sufferers often have disturbed sleep.

Allergies such as hay fever (usually seasonal, grass pollen) and pet allergies, are also common. Many people have sinus problems with blocked or running noses and sneezing.

Over-breathing, or hyperventilation, lowers the carbon dioxide level within the blood and the respiratory system including the nasal/sinus passages.

A low carbon dioxide environment stimulates mast cells to release greater amounts of histamine, an inflammatory agent, in response to contact with allergens.

    "The practical benefits include no sneezing and no hay fever symptoms even when we walk through fields of cut hay and flowering grasses" hay fever, High Peak

Conditions such as emphysema, Bronchiectasis and chronic bronchitis also have some of the same symptoms as asthma. Sometimes it is better to look at symptoms rather than the diagnosis of a condition, which could be given different diagnoses by different health care professionals. Some of symptoms in these chronic conditions respond well to Buteyko, especially if there is excess mucus/phlegm production. However, whereas the Buteyko exercises can soon be reduced for someone with asthma, people with conditions such as emphysema are likely to need to continue with their daily excercises long-term to benefit from Buteyko.

What people with these conditions have in common is that they breathe more air than healthy people; that is they hyperventilate.

Buteyko can normalise breathing and reduce symptoms. Courses are individually designed for your safety. Children and adults are usually taught in separate classes as their breathing exercises are different.

Panic, anxiety, stress

Hyperventilation means breathing more air than your body needs at that time. There are two types: acute and chronic. Most people are familiar with the acute kind that is the normal response to stress. It:
  • Floods the body with adrenaline
  • Increases the heart and breathing rates
  • Puts the nervous system on red alert
  • Tenses muscles and increases sweating

    "I now feel much better and am enjoying the breathing. I feel calmer and less tired than before undertaking the course" Anxiety, Didsbury.

All of which are useful to escape from danger. This is also known as "fight-or-flight". However, acute hyperventilation also sometimes happens when you are worried about making a presentation, and instead of being useful it can cause a panic or hyperventilation attack. Long-term stress can also lead to the over breathing becoming permanent, i.e. chronic hyperventilation, and the list of symptoms may continue to grow. Anything can cause stress, be it physical (injury and illness) or emotional (bereavement, bullying, financial worries), and sometimes even when the source of stress is removed, or the person has recovered, it seems their symptoms persist. They don't associate the wide range of symptoms with abnormal breathing, indeed the breathing pattern may not be obviously abnormal, so they don't know how to get rid of the symptoms.
    "Since learning Buteyko I have recovered my singing voice, have fewer headaches after singing, leg cramps and skin itching have subsided" Hyperventilation, High Peak.

    "Yeah, Buteyko really is working, everything is better and normalising, I'm so glad I got to the bottom of it. I was sick of analysing my thoughts". Anxiety, depression Manchester.

    "I am a LOT calmer - not panicky at all, which is a real improvement for me. The best money I have ever spent on my health" Asthma, anxiety, Blackpool.

    "The method does take commitment and practice (and I'm still practicing!) but this is a very small price to pay for having your health, and life restored" Hyperventilation, High Peak.

    "Exellent progress -immediate improvement - which has continued in a positive way. Now feel in control of my breathing and on the rare occasions when it "dips" I can quickly bring it back to normal. I feel that the key has been really understanding the science behind the hyperventilation - I am NOT ill. Thanks Janet" Anxiety, Chorlton.

Snoring, insomnia, sleep apnoea

Sleeping badly affects your whole life and those around you. Buteyko is a natural, drug-free way of improving sleep patterns by reducing insomnia and the incidence of snoring, sleep apnoea, vivid dreams and nightmares. When you are asleep the airways are more floppy than when you are awake and so they are more likely to collapse. Breathing heavily is one way of making this happen because it causes narrowing, swelling and inflammation in the airways. Sleeping flat on your back can make these problems worse as you can breathe twice as hard.

    "I am delighted with my progress so far; I slept right through until my alarm went off, for the first time in more than three years" Insomnia, Chorlton.

Breathing is our most basic requirement for life and good health yet it is the least likely to be considered simply because it is so basic. Breathing affects every cell in your body and like blood pressure it is easy for breathing to become abnormal without you being aware of it. Breathing incorrectly can have devastating results on your health in the long term.

Hyperventilation means breathing more air than your body needs at a particular time. Snoring is an example of hyperventilation because healthy people breathe quietly when they sleep. Other examples include breathing through your mouth while driving a car and sighing or yawning a lot.

People who hyperventilate will be familiar with some of the following indicators of poor sleep:
  • Repeatedly waking during the night
  • Waking up tired instead of refreshed
  • Vivid dreams and nightmares
  • Night sweats
  • Blocked or runny nose, especially on waking

The root cause of your abnormal breathing pattern needs to be addressed so that the poor sleep pattern becomes less of a problem. Buteyko can reset the automatic breathing pattern to operate at the correct level for any activity, including sleep.

Sleeping badly has a negative effect on you life and the lives of those around you because sleep is so important to good health. It can also be dangerous, and is thought to be behind many car accidents when the driver falls asleep at the wheel as they have not slept well at night.

Buteyko is a natural, drug-free method that can improve sleep patterns by reducing insomnia and the incidence of snoring, sleep apnoea, vivid dreams and nightmares. Many people wake up feeling more refreshed, and start the day with renewed energy and have more stamina. It is a complementary or alternative approach and does not involve gadgets, machines, drugs or herbs. Instead it corrects your breathing, making it more efficient so that you can get more oxygen into your tissues. Learn the Buteyko method for a good night's sleep.

Dr. Konstantin Buteyko connected hyperventilation with many conditions, and perfected a programme to correct abnormal breathing patterns.

The Course

The initial course is normally structured over five days, preferably consecutive, or within 10 days. Each session lasts for approximately 90 minutes and will teach you the correct way to breathe using the Buteyko Method. Diet and exercise are also addressed.

Next available courses:

If you cannot attend during the day, I can arrange evening sessions, or occasionally weekends can be arranged for people who live further away.

Still not sure if BUTEYKO is for you? Please book a free assessment, and /or try before you buy and pay on lesson 4 when you are likely to be feeling the benefit.

Buteyko Breathing Method Practitioner Member of Buteyko Breathing Educators Association Covered by Holistic Insurers

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