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Angel Life Management

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I have many years of clinical experience which enables me to assist with a long list of life's problems. Every client has their own bespoke programme & is unique to their own individual needs. Please call on 0800 177 7063 to see how I could help you. Member of the APHP and CNHC

Free Initial Consultation

Contact NameHolly Goody Maphp (acc) Supervisor (acc)
AddressGrove House
63 Sandringham Road
Southend-On-Sea SS1 2UG
Email Make an Enquiry

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Welcome to Angel Life Management

"Hypnotherapy can help you to change your life"...

There are some things in life that we can't change or control, but there are so many things we can.

You have all the resources you need to make the changes necessary to get the best out of life!!

Please call me to find out how I can help you use them.

'Special Offers'

Smoking Cessation

If you are still promising to give up smoking, then now is the time to do it!

Hypnosis has been proven to out perform all other methods to quit smoking. If you have tried other ways in the past to give up smoking but have been unsuccessful then call me today and join the many hundreds of people who have successfully stopped smoking easily with Hypnotherapy.

Don't let smoking control you, drain you of energy, ruin your looks and more importantly ruin your health or possibly shorten your life.

You will feel healthier, fitter, happier and more attractive as a non smoker,

That's guaranteed!

BOOK a Quit Smoking Session today on

0800 177 7063 and pay only £130 (usually £160).

One Session is usually all that is required!

Offer includes a Free 30 minute relaxation session.

Gift Vouchers available.


Is it time to address your weight concerns?

I will tailor a Weight Loss Programme that is just for you, this involves a Lifestyle Assessment, Practical Solutions, Habit Analysis and Hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy helps establish a positive attitude to help strengthen your will power, determination and motivation to achieve your overall goal.

6 Sessions for £300 normally £390

Call me on 0800 177 7063 to book your Free consultation

All my clients have their own bespoke programme, specially tailored & unique to their own individual needs.



There have been many myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Would it surprise you to learn that the hypnotic state is actually a very natural one and one that you would go in and out of several times EVERY day, like a daydream?

Hypnosis has been used to great effect in the therapeutic context for hundreds of years to facilitate change within the sub - conscious mind (the emotional part of your thinking), because this is where we store everything we have ever learnt or experienced in our lives and this can sometimes restrict us from moving forward or making changes in our lives. Hypnotherapy assists the conscious mind (your everyday thoughts- where to go and what to do) and the sub-conscious mind to work together in harmony (emotion v rational thinking) as opposed to the normal daily conflict, like the magnetic polar rejecting itself, therefore allowing your mind to accept changes that are for your benefit.

How am I hypnotised?
No deep dark mystery here I’m afraid. A typical Hypnosis session would involve you sitting in a big comfy chair, feet up, eyes closed and the art of simply listening. Because Hypnosis is perfectly natural, a hypnotic state can be safely induced by me speaking to you. All depending on the nature of change as an individual will dictate the therapeutic approach I will eventually use.

What will it feel like?
Some people feel more relaxed than they have ever felt before, some people feel, well nothing. It will all depend on you. Regardless of what you do or don’t feel the subconscious mind is still listening. Lastly, you do remain conscious AT ALL TIMES, it is pain free and you will feel wide awake by the time you leave my office. Lots and lots of people have reported that they find Hypnosis really quite amazing!!

Can anyone be hypnotised?
Anybody who wants to allow themselves the possibility of change can be hypnotised because all that hypnosis is, in a fashion is Self Hypnosis, because you get to decide if YOU want to relax or not! Using the power of your mind to induce a level of relaxation that is comfortable for you is extremely empowering.

Learning Self Hypnosis
This is a technique I like to teach all my clients. It is a great Stress Buster, can be used to manage pain, aids Sleep, as well as being incredibly relaxing, the benefits are numerous.


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was created by John Grinder, a linguistic Professor, and Richard Bandler, a Mathematician, at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), around 1975.

More recently, Paul McKenna has produced a programme for SKY One demonstrating and assisting people beyond their wildest dreams using NLP techniques. Paul McKenna trained Holly, so her training comes from one of the most renowned sources of expertise.

NLP was specifically created to explore and create new ways of understanding.

By identifying your verbal and non-verbal communication we can determine how this behaviour affects the human brain and make positive adjustments according to your individuals needs.

This then presents you with the opportunity to not only communicate better with others, but also learn how to gain more control over what you considered to be automatic functions of your own neurology. You already have all the resources you need to achieve your potential, you just may not realise it yet!!

NLP simply enables you to focus, create and model personal excellence.

We are able to assist you to create your own choice, which can help you break old habits, boost confidence, enhancing your potential, improve relationships and who knows what else……

“What your mind can conceive you can achieve”


Psychotherapy is described as the ‘Talking Therapy’ and can assist people to overcome emotional problems that are affecting their quality of life. Most people experience emotional upset during their life, but are often resolved over time, however sometimes the problem and the associated symptoms persist, so by exploring the past and present we can identify & even resolve how feelings or symptoms from the past may have been triggered. Sometimes we are not even consciously aware of this actually happening and it could be that through this type of exploration we can look towards making the necessary change in the thought process which encourages positive change.

People experience emotional problems in many ways:
  • Feelings of anxiety and an inability to cope or concentrate
  • Feelings of emptiness, sadness or depression
  • Child behaviour Issues
  • Self Harming
  • Lack of confidence or feelings of underachievement
  • Difficulty in making or sustaining relationships, or repeatedly becoming involved in unsatisfying or destructive relationships
  • Extreme mood swings and undesirable behaviour
  • Difficulty in coming to terms with losses such as bereavement, divorce, or loss of a job
  • Physical symptoms
  • Eating disorders
  • Problems involving alcohol or drugs
  • Obsessional behaviour
  • Phobias
  • Stress and panic attacks
  • Procrastination

Stress Management

We all experience pressure in our lives - work, family, relationships, financial concerns and health problems. A certain amount of pressure is good for you and motivates you. However, too much pressure results in stress and too much stress can result in illness.

For example:

Allergies, Migraines, IBS, Asthma, Eczema, Muscular aches and pains, cold sores, psoriasis to name, but a few possible side effects of stress.

Stress can also be responsible for emotional problems resulting in lack of confidence, low self-esteem and social phobias.

STOP for a moment now……..and think about how your body copes with life!!

Any of the therapies introduced on our site can help you to reduce stress and it effects.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Emotional Freedom Technique was introduced in 1995 by Gary Craig with a view to educating and applying a universal healing aid designed to remove the effects of negative emotions from the body, and promote improved physical health.

Energy meridians that run through our body can be blocked or disrupted by unresolved emotional issues, thereby compromising our natural healing potential.

Quite often, people are aware of the events or memories that trigger emotional discomfort in their lives, but they have not yet connected those memories to the symptoms of disease in their bodies.

Using EFT, it is possible to revisit the event(s) in question, and balance the disturbed meridians. Properly done, both emotional anguish and the physical symptoms often subside. Although based on acupuncture, EFT has simplified the realignment process by gently tapping on key meridian points on the head, torso and hands. Traditional acupuncture needles are not necessary in this process.

EFT can alleviate or relieve symptoms of trauma, stress, pain, anxiety, fears, phobias and the list goes on.

This is a safe, fast, effective method.


Reiki is a Japanese and Tibetan form of stress reduction and relaxation, which also activates the bodies’ own healing mechanism.

Reiki was first used by the Buddhist Monks in Tibet over two thousand years ago and was re-discovered in the last 1800’s by Theologist Dr.Mikao Useii. All healers use life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki because this is a special kind of energy that can only be channelled by someone that has been attuned to it.

When I provide Reiki in my consulting room, the ambiance is calm and peaceful. After I have found out a little bit about you, you lay fully clothed on the massage bed and the session begins. The session will leave you feeling calm & relaxed. Some people have their own unique experiences with Reiki... Maybe you will too?

About Me

Holly Goody MAPHP (acc) DHP HPD SupA little about me.

I am married and we have the most amazing daughter and we are also the proud slaves of two very spoilt cats.

I am also rather fortunate to have the best job in the world.
Everyday is different and the people I meet inspire and motivate me.

Before I became a therapist, I was the Director and Manager for a Care Agency.
Our main objection was to enable people to come out of hospital and be cared for in their own homes. I loved my job but unfortunately during this time I was diagnosed with M.E ( Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), so working became impossible.

M.E is a debilitating (misunderstood) illness and I battled with this for a number of years. Eventually I did overcame M.E to recover fully and it still feels good knowing that I did that!

Towards the latter part of my illness, I started to consider 'what' to do next!

I had attended M.E meetings etc and decided that I wanted to train to be a Counsellor. I just felt that maybe I could help other people particularly those with M.E/CFS especially as I was getting better!
Whilst studying, I came across the Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis where I trained to be a Hypnotherapist. The training and my own journey of self discovery attributed to my overall recovery and I have never looked back.

I belong to a renowned Institute which ensures I am committed to Continued Professional Development if I am to be affiliated with them, which I believe offers people peace of mind when choosing a therapist.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

MAPHP (Accredited), Supervisor (Accredited,) DHP, HPD, Hypno-Analytical Psychotherapy, Counsellor, Reiki Practitioner, NLP, PTSD Specialist

Service Categories
Counselling, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Psychotherapy

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