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Sure Slim UK

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SureSlim specialises in weight and wellness.

Address Room 1 , St Laurence House, 2
Upminster RM14 2BE
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Welcome to Sure Slim UK

The SureSlim Plan

SureSlim specialises in weight and wellness. Our approach guarantees both weight and inch loss by correcting your glucose metabolism. By balancing metabolism you lose weight fast - and for life!

The SureSlim Blood Test

SureSlim clients have a comprehensive blood test, which looks at you as an individual. This is a fasting blood test, testing your full blood count, liver and kidney function, lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL, glucose, and thyroid function). A copy of your blood test will be provided for your GP to ensure your medical notes are always up-to-date. Unless you request otherwise, the SureSlim doctor screens your blood test for abnormalities and the results of your test are used to design your weight loss programme.

Your SureSlim Eating Plan

Using your blood test results and an analysis of your medical history, medication, food dislikes and lifestyle, SureSlim designs an eating plan to correct your glucose metabolism and balance your hormone levels so that you lose inches, weight and get healthy.

Food is your body''s fuel, but not all foods make good fuel. A typical UK diet is full of foods that cause glucose and insulin levels to fluctuate, and metabolic processes to careen out of control. When this happens, your body goes into survival mode and begins to store fat, and lots of it.

Your tailored eating plan teaches you how to feed your body properly so that you start burning fat, instead of storing it. The SureSlim eating plans use only natural, unprocessed foods that can be purchased at any supermarket. Your plan will be nutritionally balanced, consisting of proteins, high-quality fats, and a controlled reduction in carbohydrates, specifically for the purposes of weight loss. There are no pills, shakes, pre-packaged foods or injections.


Lisa - Leeds North
"I have tried many other diets over the years, but I have never managed to stick to them due to the lack of willpower and persistently feeling hungry! As a final straw I decided to try the SureSlim eating plan and I'm so glad I did! I started SureSlim weighing 12stone 5lbs and wanted to shed at least 2stone 5lbs, the blood tests discovered that I had high cholesterol and high carbohydrate sensitivity, so the SureSlim team designed an eating plan for me to combat these issues, increase my weight loss and reduce my cravings in between meals! Whilst the first week was the hardest I was determined to stick rigidly to the plan, so when I got weighed and had lost a massive 7lbs in 1 week it fuelled my motivation and encouraged me to continue. Whilst I obviously had to make some sacrifices and cut back on some foods and drinks, I can still have them, just in smaller quantities and this makes them all the more enjoyable when I do treat myself. The plan made me aware of portion control and helped me realise some things I was putting into my body were not healthy for it. The re-education of my eating habits is what will ensure I continue to eat and live the SureSlim way. Go on try it - it is so easy to follow and to stick to!"

Leyla - Leeds North
"I suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and a few years ago I gained a lot of weight through not eating the right foods and not being able to control my IBS. This resulted in me not only gaining weight but I also started to have breathing problems and stuggled to exercise. I was recommended SureSlim by a family friend after seeing the results it had with her and joined straight away! I found it hard to adjust at first but I had been so ill with IBS over the years my determination helped me through the hard times, and once I started to see the weight drop off I finally started to feel myself again. Six months after starting SureSlim I have lost 20 inches and 3 stone in weight and I feel amazing again, my strength and fitness is back. I feel so happy thanks to SureSlim, it is the only diet that has helped me to understand and control my IBS and learn to live with it!"

Ellie - Caterham Clinic
"I was over the moon when I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to do the best I could to have a healthy baby, and then I found SureSlim. The plan made me feel great through out my pregnancy; people said that I was glowing. Now after giving birth I have my best figure ever, I'm definitely more a Yummy Mummy than a Slummy one!"

Service Categories
Weight Loss

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