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Energy Medicine Practice

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By now most of us are aware of the fact that the human body has a bio-electric field. The strength of this energy field varies with age and state of health in every individual.

Address37 Kohat Rd Road
South West London SW19 8LD
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Welcome to Energy Medicine Practice

What is Energy Medicine?

By now most of us are aware of the fact that the human body has a bio-electric field. The strength of this energy field varies with age and state of health in every individual. The mind plays an important part in the make up of this energy field. A positive, happy disposition makes for an energy field which is equally balanced and larger, and thereby stronger.

If we see the energy field as a blueprint of the physical body, then we understand why stress and worry affect our health.

More and more people now visit their GPs complaining of symptoms due to stress. One of the effects of prolonged stress is a breakdown of the immune system, often leading to auto-immune diseases. The medical profession is often helpless when faced with auto-immune disorders and can only help to alleviate the symptoms but not affect a cure.

Medical professionals are well trained and qualified to detect irregularities in the functioning of the human body. However, they are not trained to detect irregularities in the human energy field.

To demonstrate the importance of the body's Energy Field, the example of a motor car springs to mind. Each separate part could be in peak condition, but the real test of its ultimate performance is the road test. This can only be done after filling it up with fuel. An empty tank will stop the most powerful car in its tracks.

A depleted energy field will slow the body down, although there might be no pathological disease present as yet. But, as this energy field acts like a blueprint of the physical body, sooner or later a depleted or unbalanced field will create physical problems. It makes sense to correct this imbalance `before' it becomes a physical condition.

Earth Breathing: A Self Healing Therapy

A breathing technique which aims to correct imbalances in the body's bio-electric field can help to alleviate acute and chronic health conditions including auto-immune and endocrine disorders, by training human brainwave rhythms to synchronise with the Earth's natural pulse.

Devised and taught by Ingrid Pastl-Dickenson, a leading practitioner in the field of Energy Medicine, `Earth Breathing' is designed to boost physical, mental and spiritual health by performing a scientifically-based form of meditation which aims to protect the endocrine and immune system from the effects of stress and electro-magnetic pollution by activating a self-healing frequency within the brain. It also helps to delay the ageing process by stimulating the release of endorphins and the rejuvenating hormone Melatonin. The technique combines modern science with ancient spiritual teachings and can be taught individually or in small groups.

In 1952, the German scientist W.O.Schumann discovered a natural pulse resonating around our planet, beating at a frequency of 7.83 Hz (thereafter called the Schumann Resonance). Research has proved that electro-magnetic pollution can inhibit the human body's ability to synchronise with the Earth's natural magnetic pulse, thereby throtteling Melatonin, a major cancer suppressant and cell-rejuvenating neuro- hormone produced in the brain.

About Me

Ingrid Pastl-Dickenson, BRCP EMR, Electromagnetic Pollution Consultant, is the Founder of the ‘Energy Medicine Practice’ and has been active in the field of Energy Medicine since 1984 as a practitioner, writer and lecturer. As a researcher into the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution, she acts as Special Advisor to the Institute of Complementary Medicine. She was Director of Scientific Studies for Mast Sanity before starting up hese-uk , the Bio Electromagnetic Research Initiative and has recently joined the board of Advisors for The Kompetenz Initiative.

As the originator of the ‘Earth Breathing’ technique she was invited to present her work at the 1993 Annual Conference of the ‘International Association on New Science’ in Denver, Colorado, USA, and wrote a scholarly paper on this subject.

Ingrid is trained in Colour Therapy, Psychosynthesis Counselling, Reiki, Oneiric (Dream)Therapy, Communication Skills with children, Group Facilitation and Electro Crystal Therapy.

She is a Member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners, the Scientific and Medical Network and Associate Member of The Royal Society of Medicine.

In 1995, she was the first in the UK to discuss the effects of mobile phone frequencies on Channel One TV News and wrote a paper covering her research for Merton Council’s Environment Forum.

Service Categories
Bio Feedback, Energy Healing, Meditation

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