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Banks O Dee Physiotherapy

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Our Chartered Physiotherapy team provide the highest quality physiotherapy to enable our clients to reach their goals.

AddressBanks O'Dee Sports Centre
Abbotswell Road
Aberdeen AB12 3AB
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Welcome to Banks O Dee Physiotherapy

Lesley, Karen and Julie hope this will provide you with all the information you require regarding a visit to our physiotherapy clinics.

Our Chartered Physiotherapy team provide the highest quality physiotherapy to enable our clients to reach their goals.


Injuries encompass muscle, ligament, tendon and joint problems and can come on suddenly due to trauma or can come on gradually over a few months due to underlying biomechanical or postural issues.
injuries pic

Acute injuries, if managed correctly within the first 72 hours can reduce the size of the injury by 60%. Treatment aims to optimise healing of scar tissue, reduce pain and restore flexibility and strength to the muscles and joints. Healing is optimised and pain is reduced using electrotherapy, acupuncture and advice. Flexibility is restored through soft tissue massage and manipulation, trigger point release, joint mobilisations and stretches. Strength is restored through the provision of an exercise programme. Exercises are integrated to ensure the clients goals are achieved.

Sports Injuries

We are often referred to as "The Sports People" due to our physiotherapists' extensive knowledge of sport, sports rehabilitation and our experience in integration with coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, physiologists, nutritionists and psychologists. Julie and Karen provide consultancy to the Grampian and Scottish Institutes of Sport. We fully appreciate that return to competition in optimal time is paramount and thus treatment is directed accordingly. We also are interested in injury prevention and are well versed in the latest warm up, warm down, recovery and training practises.

Back and Neck Pain

Back and Neck pain are responsible for numerous days off work each year and can cause considerable discomfort. Our physiotherapists have considerable expertise in this area, in particular Victoria who has an MSc in Pain Management. As well as the injury treatment previously outlined, we are able to provide postural, moving and handling and work station advice.

Performance Enhancement Sports Profiling

This is a particular speciality of the clinic. Karen and Julie have particular expertise in this area providing biomechanical physical profiles. The profile identifies areas of reduced flexible, strength and stability. The results are discussed and advice given regarding stretches and gym programmes that can be constructed to improve the client's physique and hence the body's performance capabilities. We also have established links with UKSCA accredited strength and conditioning coaches and are able at your request to liaise with these professionals so individualised strength and conditioning programmes can be provided.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Lesley and Donna are neurological physiotherapists and specialise in the treatment of neurological conditions such as stroke, brain injury and MS. Lesley and Donna work with clients to firstly identify realistic achievable goals and then work with clients using facilitation techniques and exercise based therapy.

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