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Myofascial Release Therapy uses hands on massage and stretching to bring relief, healing and feelings or release to the entire body of an individual. Over time, injury, illness, build ups in stress and poor posture can put enormous pressure on the fascia, forcing them to retreat into tight and constricted pathways through our body.
The therapy technique, uses hands-on movements to disturb and disrupt these soft tissues within our bodies to trigger healing and relief processes to help the balance within our bodies to be restored.
Once the body has been through the massage therapy, the flexibility and movement through the body will be noticeably more functional and responsive. Myofascial Release Therapy can help treat both emotional and physical interruptions and injuries through the body.
Treatment usually lasts for one hour and can include a physical assessment, unclothed, during which the practitioner can familiarise themselves with the current state of the patient. A combination or number of treatments may be required
Myofascial Release treatments usually take one hour and will include a physical evaluation before the treatment itself, for which the patient will be unclothed. A series of treatments may be necessary, depending on the needs and current state of the individual.
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