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Stone therapy is a massage which incorporates hot and cold stones, within the traditional massage techniques to bring about an expanded feeling of relaxation and overall well being. The hot stones are a specific type of rock which are either warmed up or cooled down to a range of temperatures, utilised and introduced into the massage to treat the different needs of the individual, as they arise.
The process of hot and cold which is used in hot stone therapy, are a part of thermotherapy which believes the power of alternating temperatures can be hugely impactful on an individuals well being. The stones are used on specific acupressure points around the body to stimulate the body’s chakras as well as key physiological points around the body, aligning the mind and spirit through the massage.
Stones come in many different shapes and sizes. Cold stones are used to relieve swelling, help promote detoxification and rebalance feminine and masculine elements within the individual. Combined with hot stones, the process can stimulate the body’s self-healing processes as well as boosting the blood and oxygen flow around the body of the individual. Stone therapy concentrates all the five senses of the body, using aromatherapy oils and other tools in helping achieve a feeling of deep, complete relaxation while relinquishing negative emotions and feeling a general sense of well being.
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