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Hawaiian massage is a physically and spiritually powerful massage treatment. Traditionally, Hawaiian massage is healing and helps to balance the body and the mind within the individual.
There are two main types of Hawaiian massage, these are:- Ka Huna Massage. Ka Huna massage practitioners are known as healers. Music and movement is incorporated into the massage which helps them to tune into the natural rhythms and sync of the person they are treating. In this state of harmony, the practitioner uses the hands, elbows and forearms to harmonise the rhythm of massage with the body, mind and soul of the individual. Practitioners might enquire about your current states of mental, physical and emotional health to help guide them in your treatment.
- Lomi Lomi Massage. This massage style incorporates love, compassion and respect from the practitioner into the client. By stimulating the energy flow within the individual, the practitioner opens them up to creating physical, emotional and spiritual change. Lomi Lomi massage is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. Practitioners will use their hands, elbows, knees, fingers and even sticks or stones to massage.
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